Strand: Biological Sciences

Life and Living program content

An overview of Junior Biological Sciences. We’ll look at the importance of water, air and food, living things, their features, adaptations and camouflage. Lifecycles, sorting, classifying and more.

Australian Curriculum

Foundation Year – Living things have basic needs, including food and water.
Year 1 – Living things have a variety of external features.
Year 1 – Living things live in different places where their needs are met.
Year 2 – Living things grow, change and have offspring similar to themselves.
Year 3 – Living things can be grouped on the basis of observable features and can be distinguished from non-living things.

Primary Science Understandings

  • K/PP – Being alive
  • Yr 1 – Living things
  • Yr 2 – Growing
  • Yr 3 – Living features

What the teachers said about the Life and Living show

“We just love these shows.  Thank you”

Edney PS